01736 753 933

Skills Lab

Here To Support Your Team

Dynamo Healthcare Training has received funding through the European Union European Social Fund projects Skills Lab to support the care sector in Cornwall to create a Care Champions Network of qualified care trainers who can support the sector to maintain and update skills regularly.

The Champions network will consist of experienced care workers who will be supported to deliver training and upskill their workforce.

Here To Support Your Team

Through Skills Lab Dynamo Healthcare Training will be promoting awareness in the Health and Social Care sector the need for relevant skills provision. This is achieved through engaging with employers in the Health and Social Care sectors and supporting them with a training needs analysis to help them identify a clear path to providing the appropriate training to their staff and making sure it is kept up to date.
Shot of an unrecognizable nurse holding a patients hand during a checkup at home.
Nurse and older lady laughing at joke

Workforce Planning Support Package

Support by a dedicated care service specialist to help you complete a TNA (Training Needs Analysis) and develop and action plan for meeting your current and future training needs.
Sign posting to relevant training providers to meet your current training needs.
The opportunity to develop inhouse trainers/care champions who can develop your staff in the future.
Access to the training resources that your inhouse trainers/care champions can use.